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Privacy Policy

TL;DR We do not use cookies or collect any personal data from visitors to our website. If you choose to create an account, we only ask for the minimal amount of information necessary to provide you with access to our application and services. This information is only shared with the necessary third-party services that are required for our service to function. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your data is handled responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


At Proxima Analytics, we prioritize the privacy of your data and are committed to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), and other relevant privacy regulations. We believe that your data belongs to you and we take great care to handle it responsibly.

In this privacy policy, we provide information on what data we collect, why we collect it, how it is handled, and your rights with regard to your data. We want to assure you that we have never, and will never, sell your data.

If you have added the Proxima Analytics script on your website, please review our data policy for details on the information we collect about your website visitors on your behalf. Our goal is to provide you with a clear and transparent understanding of how we process your data. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.

Handling Data for Website Visitors

At Proxima Analytics, we value the privacy of our website visitors and take steps to protect their data. When you visit, we do not collect any personal information or store cookies in your browser. We also do not share, send, or sell visitor data to third parties or advertising companies, and we do not mine or harvest data for personal or behavioural trends or monetise it in any way.

To track overall trends in website traffic, we do run the Proxima Analytics script on our website, which collects anonymous usage data for statistical purposes.

However, this data is fully anonymised and aggregated, and no personal data is collected. You can view the data we collect in our live demo or read more about it in our data policy. The data includes referral sources, top pages, visit duration, returning statistics, and information about the devices (such as device type, operating system, country, and browser) used during the visit.

We are committed to ensuring that the data of our website visitors is handled responsibly and transparently.

Your Data as a Proxima Analytics Customer

We strive to minimise the amount of personal data we collect and process, only collecting and processing the data that is necessary to provide you with the services you have signed up for. We have carefully selected a small group of trusted service providers to assist us in delivering certain services.

These providers have been chosen for their commitment to data protection, privacy, and security. We only share the minimum amount of information with them that is necessary to perform their services, and we have strict contracts in place to ensure that they keep any shared information confidential and only process it according to our instructions.

Information We Collect and Its Intended Use

  • To create a Proxima Analytics account, you must provide us with your email address. This allows you to log in and customize your account, and enables us to send you invoices, updates, and other necessary information. Your email address is necessary for these purposes only and will not be used for any other purpose or shared with third parties.
  • To make it easier for you to use our service, we store a persistent first-party cookie when you log in to your Proxima Analytics account. This allows you to stay logged in during returning sessions without having to enter your login information each time. You can manage your cookie settings in your browser at any time, including deleting any previously stored cookies. Please note that by logging in to your account, you consent to the use of cookies.
  • Your personal data and site data is kept secure and encrypted on servers in Germany and France, powered by 100% renewable energy. These servers are owned by Hetzner and Scaleway, two European companies that adhere to the strict data protection laws of the EU. This ensures that your data remains within the EU at all times. You can view the privacy policies of Hetzner and Scaleway for more information on their data handling practices.
  • To protect your data and ensure the security of our website and services, we have implemented various measures such as encryption, firewalls and data backups. We also use Bunny, a European-based provider, for our global CDN, DNS, and DDoS protection. This helps to keep all visitor data that we collect exclusively processed through servers owned and operated by European companies. You can view Bunny's privacy and data policy for more information on their security measures.
  • The billing process for Proxima Analytics is securely managed by Stripe, a third-party payment provider. When you upgrade to a paid plan, your billing information will be processed by Stripe. Please refer to the Stripe Privacy Policy for more information.
  • To send emails to you, including transactional emails and email reports (if you choose to subscribe to them), we use Sendinblue as our third-party email provider. In order to protect your privacy, we have disabled both open tracking and link tracking on all emails sent through Sendinblue. For more information on how they handle your data, please refer to their privacy policy.
  • We retain the emails and other correspondence that we receive from you for the purpose of responding to your inquiries and providing assistance. This includes your email address and any other information you choose to include in your message. We use this data only for the purpose of addressing your questions and requests, and we retain it in order to have a record of past communication for future reference.

Data Retention

  • Data retention period: We will retain your data for as long as your account is active, or as necessary to provide you with the services. We will also retain and use this data as necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, and protect our legal rights.
  • Deletion of data: You can choose to delete your Proxima Analytics account at any time. All your data will be permanently deleted immediately upon deletion of your account. However, in some cases we may be required to retain certain data for a specified period of time due to legal obligations, such as for accounting and tax purposes.
  • Legal requirements: We are committed to compliance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the GDPR and national laws in the countries where we operate. This may require us to retain certain data for a specified period of time, even if you have deleted your account.

Updates and Inquiries

Our privacy policy is subject to change in order to comply with relevant laws and regulations, as well as to reflect any new practices. Any updates to our policy will be communicated via our company blog or social media profiles.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this policy, your data, or your rights with respect to your information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at . We are here to help and are committed to protecting your privacy.

Last updated: December 12, 2022