Creating Your Account

Your first step to unlocking your site’s potential with Proxima Analytics is creating an account. We’re not big fans of passwords, so we came up with two simple, secure and hassle-free options: you can log in with your Github or Gitlab credentials and once you’re authenticated, boom - you have a Proxima account.

Alternatively, you can click on the Continue With Your Email link, where you will be asked to enter your email and soon enough, a starry-themed magic link from us will be in your inbox, waiting for you.

Magic links are autogenerated URLs holding a unique token, and they make the verification process a little easier: all you have to do is click on the Login To Proxima button, or copy and paste the URL into a new browser tab. No passwords means no storing, no updating, and most importantly, no forgetting. Your activation process is now complete, and your journey starts here.

What’s Next?

After setting up your account, you have the option to add your teammates, enabling collaborative usage of the platform. Once your team is in place, you can begin creating your initial website for monitoring purposes.

To make the onboarding process even more convenient, new accounts are automatically granted a 30-day full-feature trial period. This trial allows you to thoroughly test the service and explore its capabilities before making a commitment to a paid plan. Take advantage of this trial period to ensure that Proxima meets your requirements and aligns with your expectations.