Testing Proxima Analytics Locally

Sometimes you may want to test Proxima Analytics on a local website before deploying it to your live website. This is especially useful if you want to test out how everything works and fine tune your metrics and reports.

Unfortunately, Proxima Analytics does not work on local websites, we cannot reach out localhost websites nor we allow using custom custom ports as a domain name, however, there are are a few workarounds that you can use.

Using a Local Tunnel

A local tunnel is a service that allows you to expose your local website to the internet. There are a few services that you can use to do this, but we recommend using localtunnel.

There are also a few other services that you can use, such as ngrok, serveo, Cloudflare's Argo Tunnel, and Pagekite.

Once you have a local tunnel setup, you will get back a URL that you can use to access your local website from the internet, usually most of these services will give you subdomain of their own domain name, for example, https://my-website.localtunnel.me. You can then use this URL to create a new project in Proxima Analytics and start testing it out.

Proxima Analytics would either work by creating a new project with the full URL of your local website, or by creating a new project with the domain name of the local tunnel service. Our service effectively splits and accumulates the metrics per subdomain.