Website Settings

You can gain access to your Website Settings by clicking on the Gear Menu on the top right of your screen, next to your Account Settings.

Tracker Settings

The Tracker Section is where you can exclude a number of parameters from tracking, such as Device, Language and Country Detection, amongst others. You will find a handy tooltip next to each parameter detection which explicitly states the kind of data Proxima records when enabled, so you can pick and choose the variables that you feel are most important to you. You can turn these on or off at any given time.

For example, if you decide you’d like Proxima to identify the type of browser your audience uses to get to you, all you have to do is switch on the Browser Detection option.

Share Settings

The Share Section is all about transparency: here, you can open your stats up to a wider audience or share them with your team in a private and secure way.

By switching on the Share Public Dashboard option, you can share your public stats dashboard with the world through a customizable link that will be generated in the box below. You can switch off again whenever you feel like making your stats visible to you only.

The Share Private Dashboard works in a similar way: if you switch it on, you can make your website stats visible through a generated shared link. Any person with the link can view your Dashboard - this can be very handy if you wish to look over the data with your team members or you’d like to showcase your stats to potential clients and advertisers. You can turn this option on or off an unlimited number of times; each time you turn it on, a new shareable link will be generated in the box below.

Install Proxima Script

To install the Proxima script, you must first have access to your website’s HTML code. Simply copy the Proxima snippet and paste it into the Header section of your code, placing it within the `<head>…</head>` tags. Our script is short and sweet, and will not bulk up your site. If you use other platforms, such as Wordpress, Next.js, etc., check out our Integrations guides for detailed, platform-specific instructions. If you still encounter installation issues, please contact us and we will help you with setting up the script.

Reporting & Alerts Settings

You can enable weekly and/or monthly reports from the Recurring Reports section. This way, you will always be in the loop when it comes to your site traffic. These reports can be delivered to as many email addresses as you want. Type the email address in the box and hit and the “Add Email” button. You can keep track of all the individual emails you have added in the list below the box. You can also choose to remove a recipient by clicking on the X next to their address. This will stop further traffic reports from getting sent to them.

Sometimes, your website might experience heavier traffic than usual. Proxima can alert you with spike notifications through email whenever visitors are flocking to your site within a 30-minute period. You determine the number of visitors that will trigger the spike notifications - we have set the default at 100 but feel free to change it to as low or as high as you want in the Spike Traffic Threshold box. You can also turn this option on or off as you wish.

Again, these spike notification emails can be sent to more than one recipient. Add one or multiple email addresses in the spike notification field and click on the “Add Email” button. You can always exclude recipients from spike notifications by clicking on the X next to their address.

Danger Zone

Here, you can reset your website stats - and start fresh. You can wipe all the data that Proxima has collected so far by clicking on the red “Reset Website” button. If you choose to do so, a pop-up will appear and you will be asked to either proceed with resetting your site stats or cancel the action altogether, so please move with caution.

If, however, you wish to completely delete all your website stats and its configuration. you can click on the red “Delete Website” button. Once again, a confirmation pop-up will show up and you can choose to move forward with deleting or cancel the action. Remember, there is no going back from deleting!